
Egg white pudding with strawberry cream

Происхождение: Portugal

Ингридиенты (4 Порции )

  • 6 egg whites
  • 4 tablespoons sugar
  • Margarine to grease the mould

For the cream:

  • 1 carton whipping cream (200 ml) (30 % fat)
  • 200 g of strawberries (approximately 15 small strawberries)


Калорийность (на порцию)

Количество калорий274 kcal
Жир18 g
Натрий117 mg
Углеводы20 g
Белки8 g
Фосфор56 mg
Калий226 mg
Жидкость126 ml

Порядок действий

Beat the egg whites until they form peaks, adding the sugar and continuing to beat. Place the egg whites in a mould greased with margarine and bake in a water bath for 20 minutes. Carefully un-mould and let cool. Strawberry cream: mix all the strawberries and cream and mix in a blender. Finally, pour the cream over the pudding and refrigerate.