
Fromage Blanc Mousse with Pineapple

Происхождение: France

Ингридиенты (4 Порции )

  • 400 g fromage blanc
  • 4 egg whites
  • 400 g pineapple
  • 30 g sugar
  • mint leaf

Калорийность (на порцию)

Количество калорий215 kcal
Жир5 g
Натрий107 mg
Углеводы24 g
Белки17 g
Фосфор198 mg
Калий361 mg
Жидкость196 ml

Порядок действий

Cut the pineapple into small pieces and store it for later. In a bowl, beat the egg whites with sugar. Once thick, gradually add in the fromage blanc. In a dessert dish, alternate layers of pineapple and fromage blanc. You can add a mint leaf for decoration. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

Рекомендации по организации питания

Delicate dessert that brings a touch of sweetness and lightness to your meal. It is low in calories and also meets your dietary requirements for salt, potassium and phosphorus.