
Empanada - Savory pockets from Argentina

Хроническое заболевание почек: Холестерин
Происхождение: Argentina

Ингридиенты (12 Порции )


  • 250 g corn flour
  • 250 g wheat flour
  • 100 g margarine
  • 20 ml olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/2 tbsp. of sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 20 ml milk
  • 150 ml water


  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 250 g beef mince
  • 1 white onion (approx. 60 g)
  • 1/2 red pepper (approx. 80 gr)
  • 1 yellow chilli pepper (approx. 15 g)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • Pinch of cumin
  • Pinch of paprika powder
  • Pinch of chilli powder
  • 5 small tomatoes (approx. 40 g each)
  • 1/2 bundle of parsley (about 20 g)
  • 2 eggs 1 tbsp. of capers (approx. 20 g)


  • 1 egg (separated)
  • 1 lime (juice for sprinkling)

Калорийность (на порцию)

Количество калорий298 kcal
Жир14 g
Натрий342 mg
Углеводы32 g
Белки11 g
Фосфор164 mg
Калий224 mg
Жидкость65 ml

Порядок действий


Put both types of flour into a large bowl and form a depression in the middle. Add margarine, olive oil, salt, sugar, egg and the milk. Slowly work the ingredients into the flour, working from the inside out. Add a bit of lukewarm water at a time until the dough is flexible and not too wet. For easier processing, the dough should rest in the fridge for at least an hour (wrap in cling film).


Sear the onions, pepper and chilli pepper together with the mince in a pan with the olive oil. Season the mixture to taste with salt, cumin, paprika powder and some chilli powder. Then add the tomatoes, chopped into small bits, and chopped parsley and boil the mixture down slightly. Set aside and let cool somewhat. In the meantime, boil the 2 eggs and cut them into small chunks, add to the mixture along with the capers and mix well.

Separate the dough into 10-12 pieces of equal size and roll out into circles on the worktop (in the original , empanadas are larger, those with a bigger appetite eat two). Spread 1-2 tablespoons onto one half of each of the circles and fold over the other half in a crescent shape to cover. Seal the edges with whisked egg white and press together with a fork, this is the most secure way of closing the dumplings. Originally, the edges are carefully folded, but that requires some practise.

Now carefully transfer the empanadas onto a baking tray covered in baking paper and glaze with the remaining egg yolk for a nice golden colour. In a preheated oven, bake at about 200 °C until golden (approx. 20-25 minutes, depending on the oven). Serve the hot empanadas as appetiser with lime (for sprinkling), they are best enjoyed with a Chimichurri dip. Makes about 10-12 small dumplings.

Рекомендации по организации питания

Naturally, you can vary the filling to taste. You may want to try ham with cheese and crème fraîche, spinach with goat’s cheese and chilli, chicken with spring onions, tuna with onions and peppers or a vegetarian vegetable variety.