
Ham and courgette pancakes

Происхождение: Hungary

Ингридиенты (4 Порции )

For pancakes:

  • 140 g flour
  • 1 egg
  • 100 g courgettes
  • pinch of yeast
  • soda water
  • 30 ml oil

For filling:

  • 200 g turkey ham
  • 80 g hard cheese

For béchamel:

  • 30 g margarine
  • 50 g flour
  • 200 ml milk

Калорийность (на порцию)

Количество калорий566 kcal
Жир30 g
Натрий174 mg
Углеводы42 g
Белки31 g
Фосфор421 mg
Калий396 mg
Жидкость191 ml

Порядок действий

Make pancake batter with yeast. Grate and crush the courgettes and mix them in with the batter. Make 8 pancakes. Prepare the béchamel sauce, add the ham cut into strips and fill the pancakes. Place in a fireproof dish and scatter with grated cheese. Bake in the oven until done.
2 pancakes per person

Рекомендации по организации питания

Good for dinner or for lunch after a soup