
Green smoothie

Происхождение: Germany

Ингридиенты (2 Порции )

  • 1-2 sweet apples
  • 1 handful of wild herbs (e.g. mallow, nettle, sorrel)
  • 1 handful of raspberry leaves
  • 100-120 ml water depending on desired consistency

Калорийность (на порцию)

Количество калорий62 kcal
Жир0 g
Натрий6 mg
Углеводы13 g
Белки1 g
Фосфор26 mg
Калий198 mg

Порядок действий

Cut the apples into sections and put them and the remaining ingredients into a heavy-duty mixer. Fill with some water and slowly begin to mix, adding a little more water if necessary. Once thoroughly blended, mix for about 30 to 45 seconds at the highest level. Provides about 300 ml of smoothie.